Frequently Asked Questions


Q: The simulation is paused and I cannot use the product, what’s happening?
A: The product has failed to check your license. Ensure you are on the internet w/o firewall or proxy, also ensure the installed version is the latest, then go to Developer menu and click Reload aircraft and art. Then press P to unpause.

Q: I have reinstalled or updated the product, but the simulation is still paused.
A: Seek if there’s a patch available on the Discord server or ask for support there.

Q: The installer says Invalid email or serial key.
A: You may have mistyped your credentials or the license isn’t valid anymore.

Q: The license is valid and serial key was double-checked, but still I get Invalid email or serial key.
A: This may happen when a first buying attempt has failed (eg. credit card was declined) but a second attempt was successful. This is not rare condition on e-commerce. In this case drop us an email and we’ll try to solve the problem.

Q: The installer says Error getting URL.
A: Be sure there are no spaces before or after the serial number and email. Windows users may also want to run the installer in administrator mode.

Q: The installer says Unable to download component Core.
A: Each product release has its own installer binded with its core components, download the latest installer from here.

Q: Does the installer points to my X-Plane installation automatically?
A: It points to a generic folder, you tell where to drop the files, ensure you choose the X-Plane/Aircraft folder.

Q: How does the serial key works with updates?
A: Your serial key remains the same, to install the newest release, download its installer and overwrite the previous version.

Q: Can I install the product on a second computer?
A: Yes, until you don’t violate the single license or the serial may be deactivated.

Q: How can I safely uninstall the product?
A: Use the provided uninstaller.


Q: What is the best mean of contact?
A: The Discord server.

Q: I got a blank display in the middle of the cockpit instead of the moving map.
A: Then the AviTab™ plug-in is missing from your X-Plane installation. Get it from here.

Q: Do I need to be connected to the internet to use the product?
A: Yes, most of the time. Ensure proxies are allowing outbound connections to

Q: Is it safe to connect to your website?
A: Yes. We adopted a security layer SSL connection to protect your data.

Q: My virus protection keeps deleting some of the downloaded files. What can I do?
A: Just disable the anti-virus for the time of installation. Use the Uninstaller before attempting to install again.

Q: I own a product for X-Plane 11. Can I get support?
A: Unlikely. Those are discontinued from May 2024 along with their support.

Q: How does it works with upgrades?
A: Upgrades will we always available in your personal area, once you have registered. Ensure to get the latest installer before upgrading. Upgrades are always granted for free within each major version (e.g. version 4.00 to 4.99).